몰래 접근하다 영어로
영어 번역
- stalk
- 몰래 몰래 stealthily; by stealth; quietly; secretly;
- 접근하다 gain upon; trench; come on; touch; drive up;
- 에 접근하다 approximate
- 에게 접근하다 approach
- 접근하다 gain upon; trench; come on; touch; drive up; close in; approach; approximate; come; nigh; draw near; come close; come near; trim; creep up
- 대호를 따라 접근하다 sap
- 대호를 따라 적진에 접근하다 sap
- 접근하지 않도록 경고하다 warn off; warn away
- 접근하기 neighborhood; neighbourhood
- 접근하기 쉬운 obtainable; accessible
- 접근하여 narrowly; by the skin of one’s teeth; just; hard; closely
- 접근하기 어려운 unapproachable
- 가까이에 접근하여 not quite; almost; nearly; well-nigh; intimately; as near as makes no difference; close to; next to; practically; coming on
- 몰래 말하다 whisper; murmur; mutter; babble
- 결근하다 absent